
Political Awareness and Involvement

Local Advocacy: Chapter members testify before the Nebraska State Legislature and the Lincoln City Council, and they attend Lincoln Public School board meetings, to ensure that our voices are heard in alignment with the Sorority's principles and values.

Delta Day at the Nebraska State Capitol: This is an annual event held jointly with all Nebraska Chapters. The event includes sessions on the importance of Social Action and National Initiatives from Grand Chapter. Members also have the opportunity to visit with Senators regarding current legislation.

Voter Registration and Mobilization: Each year the chapter engages in voter registration efforts and drives.

Candidates Forums and Election Watch Parties: During election cycles (Presidential and Midterm), the chapter hosts events to inform voters of who is running for office.


Delta Day's Nations Capital

Delta Days in the Nation's Capital is an annual legislative conference organized by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. The conference is as an opportunity for members of the sorority to engage in advocacy, learn about key issues impacting communities, and participate in activities aimed at promoting social justice and public policy. The event often includes seminars, workshops, and meetings with policymakers to discuss various issues affecting African Americans and other marginalized communities.

Social Action Commission

The commission is dedicated to addressing social issues and promoting positive change within communities through various initiatives, advocacy, and service projects. It focuses on areas such as education, economic development, political awareness, and health, among others. The commission plays a significant role in advancing the sorority's commitment to social justice and community service.